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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Second Quarter Independent Reading Reflection

This quarter I read 4 books. Now before you criticize me on how little books I read this quarter, I would like to remind you that 4 is 3 more than 1. Again, this is less than I would like to read, but you know, life (and manga). This is the same amount of books I read last quarter, which is slightly disappointing because my goal last quarter was to read more. The 4 books I finished were:

The Color of Water (read the review here)
Breaking Night by Elizabeth Murray (read the review here)

Inferno by Dan Brown (read the review here)

The Pearl by John Steinbeck (read the review here)

My favorite book out of the 4 I read was by far Breaking Night. Although I think the writing wasn't anything all too special, the story that was told was great and very inspiring. To me, it's so awe inspiring how that someone can be living on the streets, gone to no high school, and still make it to Harvard. It teaches all a lesson that no dream is too far away. 

The books I chose I think were about the right level for me, if not a bit easy for me. I chose these books because I want a book that's not too easy but not so challenging I can't enjoy the book at the same time, so I try to go somewhere in the middle. 
Again, I think I'm more of a fiction type of person, but I really did enjoy Breaking Night, even though that was a memoir. 

My goals that I set for myself last quarter was to read more, and clearly, I am nowhere close to reaching that goal. Last quarter, I set myself a goal to read in 30+ minute chunks at least a few times a week, and I can manage maybe once or twice a week, tops. Again, the main reason why I think I did not reach my goal was because that, again, reading was more of a second thought. Most of the time, when I get home, I always have homework running through my head, but never really reading. I think this is the main reason that I didn't reach my goal.

For next quarter, my goals are very simple. First, read at least 5 books (wow, I know, huge increase). I think if I can do 4 a quarter, there should be no problem squeezing in another book. Secondly, I will challenge myself to read at least an hour every weekend. My weeknights are usually very busy, so I will try to do more reading when I'm less busy, i.e. the weekend.

Again, maybe spending less time on  anime HOMEWORK, would help.

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